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Built on the cutting-edge RACER technology, the Gold RACER offers advanced gold prospecting capabilities. Operating at 56 kHz frequency, the Gold RACER detects the tiniest nuggets while ignoring harsh ground conditions and hot rocks in gold fields around the world.
Apart from its exceptional ground handling capability, the waterproof search coils make the Gold RACER an excellent gold detector for use in streams and rivers, too.
Advanced features such as iSAT (Intelligent Self-Adjusting Threshold), iMask (Intelligent Masking), Tone Break, Audio Boost, superior discrimination ability as well as its improved ergonomics make this detector the most versatile detector on the market for finding nuggets, micro jewelry and even coins.
Package gloves
Package coil - 1
Package coil - 2
Package included - 1
Package included - 2
Baterii alcaline
Package unlisted 1
Package manual ro
Principiu de detectie
Frecventa de detectie
Frecvente audio
Moduri de detectie
Ajustare de sensibilitate
Nivele de discriminare a tintei
Modularea frecventei
Tonuri audio de identificare
Calibrarea solului
Bobina standard

Nokta & Makro FORS Gold+

Cod produs: FORS Gold+
Greutate pachet: 0.00
Dimensiuni pachet: 0.00 x 0.00 x 0.00
  • Preţ: 900€ (TVA Inclus)

- Facturile sunt emise in Lei, la cursul de schimb BNR

  • Advanced All Metal Mode (GEN)
  • iSAT (Intelligent Self-Adjusting Threshold)
  • 2 Discrimination Modes (Fast & Boost)
  • Dual LCD Display
  • Digital Target ID
  • ID Masking
  • Ground Tracking
  • Auto & Manual Ground Balance
  • 5 Different Audio Frequencies
  • Electronic Pinpointing & Depth Indicator
  • Frequency Shift
  • Built-in LED Flashlight
  • Waterproof Search Coils
  • Easy Use & Ergonomic Design
  • Long Battery Life
  • 10 Languages

For the Toughest Terrains
As all gold prospectors know, gold fields in the world have tough ground conditions. These fields, most of the time, contain high mineralization and hot rocks which cause false signals and negatively affect the performance of metal detectors. FORS Gold+, with its new advanced modes and settings works flawlessly even on the toughest terrains.

3 Search Modes
General Search (GEN) The new advanced all metal mode of the device along with the new iSAT (intelligent self-adjusting threshold) setting allows for deeper and noise-free detection. Upon target detection, the ID of the target will be displayed on screen just like in discrimination modes.

Fast (FST) It is the 2-tone discrimination mode designed for tough gold fields with high mineralization or positive hot rocks. It offers slightly less depth but faster target detection and recovery speed in highly mineralized soils compared to the other modes.

Boost It is the 2- tone discrimination mode designed for cleaner gold fields with milder mineralization. It provides more depth compared to the FST mode.

Ground Tracking
Along with automatic and manual ground balancing, FORS Gold+ also offers ground tracking which tracks the changes in ground and automatically adjusts the ground balance to suit. The visible or invisible changes in ground affects the detection depth as well as the discrimination ability of the device so you can improve the performance of the device by activating this feature on suitable ground.

Bobina Submersibila DD, FGP26
Dimensiuni: 26x14 cm (10" x 5.5")
Bobina standard a detectorului, submersibila, concepută pentru detectia aurului aluvionar la adancime cat mai mare
Include protectie de plastic (coil cover)
FGP13 Waterproof DD Search Coil
Dimensiune: 13 cm (5")
Bobina mica pentru detectia in spatiile inguste dintre stanci sau pe albia raurilor
Include protectie de plastic (coil cover)

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Manual de utilizare (EN)

Manual de utilizare in Limba Romana

Principiu de detectie VLF
Frecventa de detectie 19 kHz
Frecvente audio 5
Moduri de detectie 3 (General / Fast / Boost)
Ajustare de sensibilitate 1-99
Nivele de discriminare a tintei 0-99
Pinpoint Da
Modularea frecventei Da
Tonuri audio de identificare 2 tonuri
Calibrarea solului Automata, manuala si Auto acordare (Tracking)
Bobina standard FGP26 (26x14 cm (10"x 5.5")) and
FGP13 (13 cm (5")) waterproof DD
Lungime 125 - 150 cm
Greutate 1.8 kg
Alimentare 4 baterii alcaline de tip AA
Garantie 2 ani
Transport Gratuit pentru comenzi ce depasesc 100euro
- Livrare rapida prin Urgent Cargus
- Plata ramburs in lei la ridicarea coletului
Plata in rate
- 0% dobanda
- Pana la 12 rate
... Apasati pentru carduri acceptate

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